Annual outing with residents of St. Theresa’s Home
It was a beautiful sunny day on October 28, 2012 when the Singapore Association of the Order of Malta conducted their annual day of bringing cheer to some of the residents of the St. Theresa’s Home for the Aged.
The day, a Sunday, began with morning Mass at their Chapel. After mass, our bus, loaded with 24 senior residents, helpers, our own members, spouses and associates, transported us to the restaurant at the Marina Barrage for a sumptuous lunch.
After lunch, we re-boarded the bus and proceeded to the newly opened Flower Dome at the beautiful Gardens by the Bay. All the able bodied shared the responsibility of pushing those on wheelchairs as well as helping the remaining not so mobile old folks. We strolled through the huge Flower Dome with its myriad variety of flowers and vegetation from the Mediterranean, California, South America, and South Africa. The ‘cool’ temperature within the Dome which simulates the temperate climates of these regions, made our walk very pleasant indeed. Judging from their appreciative comments during our conversations with them, the residents of St. Theresa also had a good time.
We too enjoyed ourselves even though for some of us this is the first time they tried their hands at pushing wheelchairs.